Auteurs: Kevin Wagemakers
Autorisators: Peter Vink


1: Medline (PubMed) (05-04-2021)
Filters: Meta-Analysis, Randomized Controlled Trail, Systematic Review, >5 jaar
'(Adults OR Adult) AND (intensive care OR intensive care unit OR ICU OR IC OR critical care unit OR CCU OR critical room) AND (Bandages OR Bandages, Hydrocolloid OR silicone dressing OR foam dressing OR profylatic dressing OR hydrocolloid bandage OR hydrocolloid dressing) AND ((Prevention and Control) OR prevention OR preventive measures OR preventive therapy OR prophylaxis) AND (pressure ulcer OR pressure sore OR bed sore OR bed sores OR decubitus OR decubitus ulcer) AND (sacral OR sacrum)': 8 hits, waarvan 3 geïncludeerd.

2: Cinahl (05-04-2021)
Filters: Meta-Analysis, Randomized Controlled Trail, Systematic Review, >5 jaar
'(Adults OR Adult) AND (intensive care OR intensive care unit OR ICU OR IC OR critical care unit OR CCU OR critical room) AND (Bandages OR Bandages, Hydrocolloid OR silicone dressing OR foam dressing OR profylatic dressing OR hydrocolloid bandage OR hydrocolloid dressing) AND ((Prevention and Control) OR prevention OR preventive measures OR preventive therapy OR prophylaxis) AND (pressure ulcer OR pressure sore OR bed sore OR bed sores OR decubitus OR decubitus ulcer) AND (sacral OR sacrum)': 3 hits, waarvan 2 geïncludeerd.
