Auteurs: Marieke Janssen
Autorisators: Peter Vink


1: Medline (PubMed) (06-08-2021)
' (((((elderly[Title/Abstract]) OR ("Aged"[Mesh])) OR ("Aged, 80 and over"[Mesh])) OR ("Frail Elderly"[Mesh])) OR ("Geriatric Nursing"[Mesh])) AND (((((("Baths"[Mesh]) OR (wash[Title/Abstract])) OR (disposable washcloth[Title/Abstract])) OR (disposable washcloths[Title/Abstract])) OR (wascloth[Title/Abstract])) OR ("wet"[All Fields] AND "wash cloths"[Title/Abstract]))': 3.244 hits, waarvan geïncludeerd.

2: Medline (PubMed) (06-08-2021)
' ((((((elderly[Title/Abstract]) OR ("Aged"[Mesh])) OR ("Aged, 80 and over"[Mesh])) OR ("Frail Elderly"[Mesh])) OR ("Geriatric Nursing"[Mesh])) AND (((((("Baths"[Mesh]) OR (wash[Title/Abstract])) OR (disposable washcloth[Title/Abstract])) OR (disposable washcloths[Title/Abstract])) OR (wascloth[Title/Abstract])) OR ("wet"[All Fields] AND "wash cloths"[Title/Abstract]))) AND ((("Soaps"[Mesh]) OR (wash[Title/Abstract])) OR (wascloth[Title/Abstract]))': 2.464 hits, waarvan geïncludeerd.

3: Medline (PubMed) (06-08-2021)
'((((((elderly[Title/Abstract]) OR ("Aged"[Mesh])) OR ("Aged, 80 and over"[Mesh])) OR ("Frail Elderly"[Mesh])) OR ("Geriatric Nursing"[Mesh])) AND (((((("Baths"[Mesh]) OR (wash[Title/Abstract])) OR (disposable washcloth[Title/Abstract])) OR (disposable washcloths[Title/Abstract])) OR (wascloth[Title/Abstract])) OR ("wet"[All Fields] AND "wash cloths"[Title/Abstract]))) AND ((((dry skin[Title/Abstract]) OR (dehydrating[Title/Abstract])) OR ("Skin Care"[Mesh])) OR ("Skin"[Mesh]))': 115 hits, waarvan geïncludeerd.

4: Medline (PubMed) (06-08-2021)
'(((((((elderly[Title/Abstract]) OR ("Aged"[Mesh])) OR ("Aged, 80 and over"[Mesh])) OR ("Frail Elderly"[Mesh])) OR ("Geriatric Nursing"[Mesh])) AND (((((("Baths"[Mesh]) OR (wash[Title/Abstract])) OR (disposable washcloth[Title/Abstract])) OR (disposable washcloths[Title/Abstract])) OR (wascloth[Title/Abstract])) OR ("wet"[All Fields] AND "wash cloths"[Title/Abstract]))) AND ((("Soaps"[Mesh]) OR (wash[Title/Abstract])) OR (wascloth[Title/Abstract]))) AND ((((dry skin[Title/Abstract]) OR (dehydrating[Title/Abstract])) OR ("Skin Care"[Mesh])) OR ("Skin"[Mesh]))': 58 hits, waarvan geïncludeerd.

5: Medline (PubMed) (06-08-2021)
Filters: laatste 10 jaar
'(((((((elderly[Title/Abstract]) OR ("Aged"[Mesh])) OR ("Aged, 80 and over"[Mesh])) OR ("Frail Elderly"[Mesh])) OR ("Geriatric Nursing"[Mesh])) AND (((((("Baths"[Mesh]) OR (wash[Title/Abstract])) OR (disposable washcloth[Title/Abstract])) OR (disposable washcloths[Title/Abstract])) OR (wascloth[Title/Abstract])) OR ("wet"[All Fields] AND "wash cloths"[Title/Abstract]))) AND ((("Soaps"[Mesh]) OR (wash[Title/Abstract])) OR (wascloth[Title/Abstract]))) AND ((((dry skin[Title/Abstract]) OR (dehydrating[Title/Abstract])) OR ("Skin Care"[Mesh])) OR ("Skin"[Mesh])) Filters: in the last 10 years': 28 hits, waarvan geïncludeerd.

6: Medline (PubMed) (06-08-2021)
Filters: laatste 10 jaat en engels
'(((((((elderly[Title/Abstract]) OR ("Aged"[Mesh])) OR ("Aged, 80 and over"[Mesh])) OR ("Frail Elderly"[Mesh])) OR ("Geriatric Nursing"[Mesh])) AND (((((("Baths"[Mesh]) OR (wash[Title/Abstract])) OR (disposable washcloth[Title/Abstract])) OR (disposable washcloths[Title/Abstract])) OR (wascloth[Title/Abstract])) OR ("wet"[All Fields] AND "wash cloths"[Title/Abstract]))) AND ((("Soaps"[Mesh]) OR (wash[Title/Abstract])) OR (wascloth[Title/Abstract]))) AND ((((dry skin[Title/Abstract]) OR (dehydrating[Title/Abstract])) OR ("Skin Care"[Mesh])) OR ("Skin"[Mesh])) Filters: in the last 10 years, English': 27 hits, waarvan geïncludeerd.

Tabel van Terminologie

Stap 1 & 2

Wat is het effect van verzorgend wassen met wet wash gloves in vergelijking met verzorgend wassen met katoenen washandjes met zeep bij geriatrische cliënt op de droge huid.
Wat is het effect van verzorgend wassen met wet wash gloves in vergelijking met verzorgend wassen met katoenen washandjes met zeep bij geriatrische cliënt op de droge huid.
Wat is het effect van verzorgend wassen met wet wash gloves in vergelijking met verzorgend wassen met katoenen washandjes met zeep bij geriatrische cliënt op de droge huid.
Nog niet beoordeeld.


  1. Gillis, K, Tency, I, Roelant, E, Laureys, S, Devriendt, H, & Lips, D. (2015) Skin hydration in nursing home residents using disposable bed baths. Geriatric nursing (New York, N.Y.) 37(3), 175-9.