Auteurs: Peter Vink (docent, coach omni cura ACADEMY), Rebecca de Graaf (verpleegkundige Tergooi MC), Annelies Haandrikman (verpleegkundige Tergooi MC)
Autorisators: Peter Vink


1: (07-11-2023)
Filters: geen
'infuus, neonaat, kinderen': 380 hits, waarvan 0 geïncludeerd.

2: Cochrane Library (07-11-2023)
Filters: geen
'MeSH descriptor: [Extravasation of Diagnostic and Therapeutic Materials] explode all trees': 3 hits, waarvan 2 geïncludeerd.

3: Medline (PubMed) (07-11-2023)
Filters: Systematic Reviews
'((extravasation of diagnostic and therapeutic materials[MeSH Terms]) OR (extravasation)) AND (infant, newborn[MeSH Terms])': 7 hits, waarvan 3 geïncludeerd.


  1. Dufficy, M, Takashima, M, Cunninghame, J, Griffin, B R, McBride, C A, August, D, & Ullman, A J. (2022) Extravasation injury management for neonates and children: A systematic review and aggregated case series. Journal of hospital medicine 17(10), 832-842.
  2. Gopalakrishnan, PN, Goel, N, & Banerjee, S. (2017) Saline irrigation for the management of skin extravasation injury in neonates. The Cochrane database of systematic reviews 7(7), CD008404.